ForWard 06.04.23

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Spring Concert Luau

Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Color Day
Bus Driver and Crossing Guard Appreciation Day

Monday, June 12, 2023
Spring Picnic

Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Fifth Grade Graduation

See all events on our Calendar



From the Co-Presidents
It is a busy time of year but such a fun one! It was great to see community members gather in so many ways this past week: the Band Concert; Retirement Celebrations for Mrs. Silverman and Mrs. Sullivan; and of course Ward Night at the Red Sox! 

We are so grateful for our community members that support these opportunities to come together. Thank you to Sara Wantman for her help with the Retirement Celebrations and to Jon Levin for his coordination of another fun night at a local sporting event! 

Onward to a new week of fun highlighted by the Luau Concert and Color Day (see below to volunteer!)! 
Caitlin, Rashi & Susan

Color Day  - Volunteers Needed this Week!
Color Day is this week! This is a much anticipated event by students and teachers, and we need family volunteers to make it a success. If you are able to volunteer the morning of Wednesday, June 7 (or on our possible rain date of June 14), please sign up here. You'll be given directions the morning of, and it really is just a lot of fun! Feel free to direct any questions you may have to Chelsie Garrett:

Bus/Van Driver & Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
Celebrate our Safety Superheroes on Wednesday, June 7. Help your student make a card and say a special THANK YOU to our bus/van drivers and crossing guards for another year of helping our students arrive at school ready to learn.

Print a sample card and learn more about the Newton Safe Routes to School Task Force at Bus Drivers will be treated to breakfast and crossing guards will be given tokens of appreciation. Our PTO is proud to support this event financially and a special thanks to Green Newton for donating flowers for our crossing guards.

Spring Picnic
We will gather on Ward field to celebrate a fabulous school year on Monday, June 12th from 5:30-7:30 PM for our spring picnic. Knucklebones will provide games and entertainment, music will be playing, and the PTO will provide complimentary ice creams (1 per guest please!) for all from the Ice Cream Truck. Please bring a picnic blanket and either pack a picnic dinner or consider placing an order from the delicious Work Hard Eat Good Jamaican Food Truck! Questions? We owe a huge thanks to Zlatena Simeonova for coordinating another fun Ward picnic:

Paper Directory
It has been brought to our attention that many families miss the days of the paper directory. We love it too! If you are someone who missed it this year, please consider volunteering in this capacity! We are happy to support the efforts but as with all PTO initiatives - the ideas and inspiration are wonderful - the volunteers to bring it to life are even better! We already have a volunteer to do the online directory and that data entry piece is a large part of the work. The additional volunteer(s) to bring the paper directory to life would be responsible for seeking advertisers (to cover costs), coordinating layout and printing and soliciting artwork from students. This is not a light lift but in a matter of weeks the work is done and you can have the rest of the school year to feel you served the PTO well and everyone will be thanking you everytime they plan a playdate or birthday party! We are confident that previous Directory Volunteers would be willing to share tips and resources too!  If you are interested, sign up here.

Community Notes & Announcements

Restore Kindergarten Aides
With recent budget cuts, this very critical position has been eliminated. How can you help?
Please add your signature to this letter:
Share this message with all your friends, preschool families, teachers and anyone who might be interested in signing.
Contact your elected officials by writing emails/letters, attending office hours or if unavailable, inviting them to coffee/walk/conversations.
Email the Mayor at, she has the power to change this.
Email your city council and school committee representative and (Email messages sent to will be received by the entire School Committee)
Email the Superintendent
• Make a public comment at a school committee meeting.

Looking Ahead: Have a Graphing Calculator to Give Away?
We'd like to get this request out before the school year ends: Newton Neighbors will be planning a school supply drive this summer. If you have a graphing calculator to give away, please email us at

For more community notes:

And please continue to follow the PTO on Instagram @wardelementary_pto


ForWard 06.11.23


ForWard 05.28.23